4th Grade Kindness Retreat
Monday, February 29, 2016 6:35 AM


On March 3rd, the 4th-graders at Lake Harriet will engage in the Youth Frontiers Kindness Retreat, a full-day of community building. Youth Frontiers staff and Southwest High School students will lead the students through a day of music, story-telling, and large and small group activities to provide students with the tools to develop empathy, promote kindness and prevent bullying. The activities are designed to break down social barriers and help foster stronger relationships among students. Our goal is to empower our 4th-graders to be “everyday heroes” by using kindness to include others, be respectful to all and make our school a better place.


If you'd like to learn more, please visit the Youth Frontiers website http://www.youthfrontiers.org or contact Lynne McCoy. 


We are still looking for high school volunteers.  Please encourage any you know to call the office if they are interested: 668-3310.