What is SchoolPay?
SchoolPay is an online system designed to help schools manage the various types of payments they collect from parents of students attending that school or anyone else that makes payments to the school.
Are online credit card and eCheck transactions safe?
Paying at secure sites online is actually less prone to fraud than paying at a physical location or over the telephone. SchoolPay employs SSL encryption technology - the industry standard for internet-based financial services transactions. This means that payment account numbers are never viewable by an internet hacker, the school, or even SchoolPay staff. In addition, all encrypted data are stored in a secure facility with 24-hour security.
What happens if I make an error when typing in my payment information?
Every payment transaction via SchoolPay undergoes verification processes to guard against fraud and helps ensure your account is accessed appropriately. These practices include verification of banking and credit card account numbers when the information is submitted for payment on the internet. For all credit card and many check transactions, if the account number is not recognized; you, as the payor, are notified right away, and the transaction is not authorized.
Is my personal information provided to other entities?
SchoolPay's privacy policy is that its staff and the school's staff never view your personal information. The information provided by the payor is used solely for the purposes of conducting the transactions specifically as authorized by the payor.
What does registration mean? How and why should I do it?

Registration is free and easy. Registration provides parents the convenience of having to type in name, address and account number only once so that each time you return and login the information is already populated on your behalf. Even though we are only collecting PTA donations at this time you may want to consider registering as we hope to use this system for other school pay items (e.g., field trips) in the future.

How do I get help if I need it?

Please contact the LHCS PTA if you are experiencing problems at lhcspta@gmail.com.

How soon after I pay online are my funds withdrawn from my account?
If you have paid with an electronic check, funds are withdrawn from your account within a few days. If you have paid with a credit card, the transaction will appear on your next monthly statement.
What happens if I pay by a check, then do not have enough funds in my account?
A sales transaction is submitted once. If the item is returned as insufficient funds (NSF) the item will be redeposited through ACH up to two more times. After two attempts if there were still insufficient funds in the account collection would proceed for the PTA in the same manner as it does for a paper-based check that was returned as NSF.