News for our Lower Parents
Monday, March 9, 2015 6:35 AM


We have a BUZZ team at Lower which is part of the Lower and Upper Positive Engagement Team.
Our team wants to share with you the importance of Lunchtime for students:  Did you know that this is a time for the students to socialize, spend time talking to their classmates and have a break from the rigors of the classroom?  We consider this time an important extension of social emotional learning where friendships bloom and are fostered.  This is the time that students come alive with their decision making and coping skills. Please allow students this time to grow by joining them for lunch only on special occasions at this point of the year.
We also want to share with you daily Safety Procedures:
At the beginning of the day our front doors are unlocked at from 9:25 a.m. until 9:35 a.m.   If you arrive after that time, you need to buzz to get in and then sign your student in with our secretary at the desk.  If you are coming to volunteer, you must sign in and get a visitor badge.
At the end of the day, please note this firm, but friendly, reminder:  All parents must pick up their students in the designated pick up areas; no exceptions.  We can not allow parents to wait outside classrooms for their child as our hallways are too crowded, and it disrupts the flow of our dismissal.  If you need to pick up your child before the official end of the day, please come to the main office and sign your child out.  Our secretary will call your child down to the office to join you there.
Note: We are sorry, but during our final busy daily routines and dismissal, your child's teacher isn't available to talk even briefly at the end of the day.  We truly value our relationship with you but because we have so many important end-of-day rituals and duties for so many students, please communicate your need via note, phone call or email.

 As always, thank you for being great parents and for your willingness to help us out in these areas.
Sincerely,   Merry Tilleson, Principal  &  the LC BUZZ Team