Dignity and Respect Photo, Video and Drawing Contest for Middle School Students at LHCS
Monday, February 11, 2013 6:25 AM


The Dignity and Respect Campaign is a national initiative promoting ways to make the world a better place for all to live- with all of our differences. The Diversity Committee and the Positive Behavior Support team are sponsoring a photo, video, and drawing contest based on the 30 tips for promoting dignity and respect found at: http://www.dignityandrespect.org/practicetips.php

Every day we have the opportunity to practice dignity and respect in our school community. The middle grade teachers will use time in advisory to share one dignity and respect tip each day. Students who choose to participate in the contest must weave one or more of the tips into their creative work in photography, videography, or drawing/painting. For example, one tip is simply to “smile – a smile can be contagious.” An example of a photo entry could be a photo collage of smiles. Another tip is “join the team– do your part to support teamwork.” For example, students could make a video of students working together on a project at school. Another tip is “Get involved – make a difference, get caught being good.” See someone who did something helpful? You could draw an image that shows someone or people being helpful. Use your creativity!

Here are some details to get you started:

WHAT: Photography contest / Video contest / Drawing contest, 3 winners in each category, Panel of independent jurors not affiliated with LHCS decide the winners

·       Content of the images/videos must be based on 1 or more of the 30 Dignity & Respect tips

o   See the attached pdf for a list of the 30 tips.

·       You can work solo or with one other person; you can create entries for multiple categories.

·       Photographs may be in color or black and white and must be submitted on flash drive or email (if you need access to a camera, see your teacher).

·       Drawings or paintings can be from 8 ½ x 11 to poster size (24 x 36).

·       Images and language must be age-appropriate (will be viewed by students in grades 3-8).

·       You must have agreement from person(s) in the photo/video in writing.

·       Winners will have their work framed and displayed in school and receive a prize (see below).

·       Videos will be posted on a blog; max length of videos is one minute; video with music is ok.


WHEN: Photos, videos & drawings are due on March 25th. Turn items in to your advisory teacher.

Early Bird entries are due Feb. 19th (these entries will also be considered for the final prizes).


HOW: The top three images/videos will be selected in each category by an independent panel of adults and youth (outside LHCS). Early bird prizes will be judged the same way.


WHY: This project fits into the larger school Positive Behavior Support goals of: creating a school climate where all students feel welcome, safe, and respected; reducing bullying and racism; and increasing academic success and reducing the achievement gap.


PRIZES: Prizes will consist of gift cards in the amounts of $50 and $25, and donations from local vendors. More details on prizes will follow.

*Talk to Mr. Streit if you have any questions about prizes or this contest.