Free Nutrition Series: How Food Affects Learning and Behavior
Monday, January 26, 2015 6:45 AM


Explore and learn the many ways food affects children, how healthy choices can make a huge difference in your child’s behavior, mood and development, and how you can be an advocate for healthy, whole food choices in your home, school and community.

Session 1: Connecting Food, Learning and Behavior

Wednesday, January 28, 7-8:30 PM

Barton Open School Commons, 4237 Colfax Ave S, Minneapolis

Discover practical advice around nutrition and the surprising ways food can influence your child’s health, and how your child acts and learns. You’ll learn how blood sugar imbalances may affect your child, why proteins and fats are so important, the importance of gut health, how preservatives and additives may affect your child, and the vital micronutrients needed for brain development.

Session 2: The Kitchen Cure

Wednesday, February 11, 7-8:30 PM

City Food Studio, 3722 Chicago Ave S, Minneapolis

Get creative alongside other parents to learn new recipes and healthy food habits to share with your kids. Learn strategies for picky eaters, how to involve kids in the kitchen, and tips and recipes for healthy and affordable meals.

Led by: Jenny Breen, Public Health Nutritionist, Educator, Professional Chef, Author; and Cindy Horgan, Occupational Therapist.

Registration is required as space is limited to 20. Registration information is available in the linked flyer.  Donations accepted to cover supply costs.

Session 3: “Fed Up” Screening

Wednesday, March 4, 7-8:30 PM

CoCo Uptown, 1010 W. Lake Street, Ste 100, Minneapolis

Watch “Fed Up”, a 2014 documentary about the highly-profitable processed sugar industry and the shocking examples of how sugar is contributing to the many modern illnesses we now face as families. Discussion to follow screening.

Registration required as space is limited to 40. Registration information is available in the linked flyer.