From the Principal’s Desk
Monday, September 24, 2012 6:40 AM


A Letter from the Principal

Dear Parents,

     We are in the process of designing Curriculum Nights for grade level groups. This has been a request parents have brought forward to the Site Council and the teachers feel would be beneficial to our families. We are dividing these nights over three weeks to better accommodate parents with children at multiple grade levels.

      Thursday, November 1, 2012, at 5:00 pm will be the Middle Grades Curriculum Night. This will be for grades 6, 7 and 8. Some sixth grade parents may feel the materials and information were covered at the Sixth Grade Orientation in August. To a greater degree, this is true and your attendance is optional. All middle grades parents should bring a copy of your child’s schedule to follow. You will begin the evening in your child’s Advisory Classroom. Each period will have a ten minute window. During the period your child has Specialist time you may select which specialist you want to visit. There will only be time to visit one. The evening will end at 6:00.  For those interested, there will be a fifteen minute presentation about the Advanced Math Pathway overall Middle Grades plan. This will be held in the gym 6:00 to 6:15 pm by Mrs. Rynchek. 

       Thursday, November 8, 2012 will be the Curriculum Night for grades 3, 4 and 5.  This evening will begin between 4:45-5:15 as an open window to visit Specialists. At 5:15, parents go to these respective areas: Third grade to your child’s classroom; Fourth grade to the gym; Fifth grade to the cafeteria. Teachers will present information and hold a Q&A.  For those interested, at 6:00 there will be a fifteen minute presentation by Mrs. Rynchek about the Advanced Math Pathway plan, held in the gym.

       Thursday, November 15, 2012 will be the Curriculum Night for grades K, 1 and 2.  Jan Parrish will provide more information about this night in the LHCS Newsletter, as time draws closer,  and also send information home to families.

   The PTA will established a link for parents to send in questions before the Curriculum nights for teachers to categorize questions. Parents will include their email so questions not addressed on the Curriculum Night will be answered by your child’s teacher personally.

       Site Council, the PTA, Administration and staff are reexamining the current model for our Open House/Ice Cream Social for the 2013-14 school year. We will most likely redefine that evening to become an Open House/Curriculum Night. We would hold these on separate nights as we are this year.