Get Creative! Middle Grades Dignity and Respect Contest Deadline March, 25
Monday, March 18, 2013 6:10 AM


All middle grade students are encouraged to enter the Dignity and Respect photography, video and art contest by submitting their creative work to advisory teachers by Monday, March 25. Students can work solo or with one other student and can submit entries in more than one category. Students must integrate one or more of the Dignity and Respect tips into their video/photo/art piece (there are 30 tips in all). An external panel of youth and adults will judge the entries and pick 5 winners in each category. In addition, all entrants are eligible to win gift cards in a random drawing. Please see Mr. Streit or your advisory teacher for more information about prizes and criteria. If you want to get involved in the Dignity and Resepct contest, contact Maree Hampton of the Diversity Committee, or Julie Hirsch.