Innisbrook Sale Starts 9/9
Monday, September 15, 2014 6:25 AM


Attention Parents! – Innisbrook Fundraiser Begins Tuesday Sept. 9.

One of Lake Harriet Community School PTA’s largest fundraisers of the year begins Tuesday, September 9 and ends Tuesday, September 23. Your youngest or only student will be bringing home the fundraiser materials Tuesday, September 9. Please look for it and review with your student(s).

What’s the Innisbrook Fundraiser, you say? LHCS PTA uses Innisbrook gift wrap and gifts, Helen Grace chocolates and frozen cookie dough as their partner in raising funds to support PTA-funded staff salaries, enrichment programs, classroom grants, and teacher stipends. LHCS students and families sell and purchase items from these company’s catalogs or online store and up to 50% of the proceeds gets paid to the LHCS PTA! We understand that it is difficult to ask your friends and family to make unnecessary purchases. Don’t ask them to purchase anything they wouldn’t really use or wouldn’t have purchased from another source. But DO ask yourselves and them to purchase what you/they will use, what you/they would be purchasing to give to family, friends, associates, employees, service providers, or teachers as gifts this year! Doesn’t it make more sense to purchase these items from a company that you know gives back up to 50% of the sales to your student(s) school? We appreciate your support of LHCS!

Questions? Innisbrook Fundraiser Chairs: Liz Young & Lori Bakken