Lake Harriet Community School is a Minnesota School of Excellence
Monday, April 14, 2014 6:10 AM



Did you know…the School of Excellence survey identified two areas for Lake Harriet Community School to work on? 

The first area for growth that was identified was under Standard 4 Quality of Instruction.

Specifically 14% of the surveys came back indicating that Strategy D “Celebration of adult and student learning permeates the daily culture” needs to be worked on.

How have we been working on this?

LHCS Success Celebration:

  • Our staff 'share out' student success at their Professional Learning Community (PLC) meetings.
  • Our grade level team leads 'share out' grade level success at our Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) meetings.
  • LHCS held a 'State of the School' address, where the school's achievement data was shared.
  • Merry Tilleson and volunteers are organizing an All-Student School of Excellence Celebration at Southwest High School on May 19th during school hours.  We plan to give 'shout-outs' to all of the successes of staff and students.
  • LHCS Newsletter celebrates weekly the successes of students and staff including: Read-a-thon, winning artists in DragonFest competition, Science Fair participants, Girls on the Run/Running Club, concerts, debate, knowledge bowl, GEMS/GISE, history day, Math Counts/Math Masters, Spelling bee, Teacher of the Year semi-finalist - Ms Liepitz, Lake Harriet Heroes, Junior Great Books, School of Excellence designation qualifications, Student Council events, Destination Imagination, food drives and other community service events.
  • LHCS has added to it's line of Spirit Wear to include a design celebrating our School of Excellence designation.  Everyone can wear their pride in LHCS!
  • Lake Harriet started a Facebook Page, where several congratulatory articles are posted.


Specifically at the Lower Campus:

  • End of the year celebration and honoring of staff.
  • Third grade evening concert and art show on May 14.
  • Jan Parrish hosts a monthly 'Coffee and Conversation' meeting for parents, where she shares many successes of the school.


Specifically at the Upper campus:

  • Our entire staff will have the opportunity to 'share out' successes at our May 1 staff meeting.
  • Daily announcements are made to include student success in student programs such as debate, knowledge bowl, science fair, GEMS/GISE, history day, Spelling Bee, Math Counts/Math Masters, Lake Harriet Heroes.
  • Parents are invited to witness student success at concerts, an art show, athletic events, and all of the above mentioned activities.
  • Principal Walter Schleisman writes a blog, which celebrates many successes of our school.