LHCS – LC is on the Grow!
Monday, June 8, 2015 6:10 AM


With funding provided by a grant from the Jeffers Foundation for School Gardens and the generous matching of funds by our neighbors at Sunnyside Gardens - the 9 planters in the front of our school have been filled!!

Please stop by and check out the herb garden, the tomatoes and peppers, the butterfly attractors and the "pollinator" plants!  See if your child can find the "popcorn" planter that when you lightly touch the leaves you smell buttered popcorn!

The plan to incorporate living learning gardens for our school is just starting - would you like to be a part of the "Greens Team"?

If you would like to help dig and build the actual garden plot in the back of the school please sign up to help!

If you have questions please contact Toni Tamm.


Pictures of the plantings at LC