Listening Session Info
Monday, May 20, 2013 6:40 AM


 At the listening session parents reemphasized that they want to maintain a singular K-8 mission and vision as a single school as the parent generated survey indicated. Parents want to continue as planned to have one Site Council, one Carnival and one Parent/Teacher Association. Parents also expressed concerns about having two principals, two budgets and wanted assurance that the administrative structure would be informed by a clear accountability structure and that the effectiveness of the structure would be monitored and evaluated. Parents completed a Plus/Delta response about the administrative structure.

A meeting regarding collaboration between Upper and Lower Campus was held on April 24, 2013. Attendees included Theresa Battle, Jan Parrish, Merry Tilleson, Perry Moriearty, Jane Lyga Jones, Caroline Cochran, Angie Arnold, Carol Chase and Ann Smith. The purpose was to “determine how we can ensure success for the unique administrative structure model and preserve LHCS as a single school with a K-8 program”.


The Team met to establish procedures to ensure:


1)   A single vision across campuses

2)   A common communication structure and transparency across campuses

3)   Consistent expectations and standards across campuses

4)   Accountability for collaboration across campuses and recourse when collaboration breaks down


Areas of focus:

·       Communication

·       Opportunities for Collaboration

·       Strategic Vision

·       Decision-making

·       Accountability


Communication, Opportunities for Collaboration:

·       Establish regular meetings between principals, both with and without Site Council and PTA.

·       Coordinate calendars of events involving parents.

·       Set aside time for both principals to work at the other campus.

·       Build on what is going on at either campus.

·       Plan cross age campus events or opportunities.

·       Have joint staff development when appropriate.

·       Identify peer mediators between campuses.

·       Highlight learning targets and other ways the campuses are connected.

·       Set aside time to celebrate the school.


In addition, the team discussed actions to implement related to developing a strategic vision and making decisions that impact both campuses.


Next steps for the team include the following: add Upper Campus staff to the team, decide what the final areas of focus are going to be, form on-going groups to work on each focus area and set a date and agenda for next meeting. A tentative date has been set for May 22, 2013 from 4:30-5:30 pm at the Lower campus. As work progresses updates will be sent to staff and parents.


Jan Parrish is committed to continuing to collaborate with the team, parents and staff and the yet to be named principal to replace Mary Rynchek to maintain the K-8 campus mission and vision. The Associate Superintendent is responsible for providing leadership and support to the two principals and will monitor and evaluate the collaboration between the two principals. Theresa Battle will share the expectation and plan to implement processes and procedures to meet the five goals established by the collaboration team and to evaluate the work of the principals after fall semester 2013 and again at the end of the school year. In addition, the two principals will engage stakeholders in a strategic mission and visioning process beginning in the fall. The two principals will work with the Lower and Upper Campuses Instructional Leadership Teams, Site Council and PTA to ensure high quality of learning for every student and that LHCS continues to be the excellent school it is.



Theresa Battle, Associate Superintendent

Jan Parrish, Principal

Mary Rynchek, Principal