Lower Campus JUNGLE
Wednesday, February 5, 2020 5:20 AM


The “Jungle” is coming to the lower campus! From Thursday, Jan. 30th (Day 1) – Monday, Feb. 10th (Day 4) all lower campus classes will be participating in the “Jungle” during physical education times. This is usually one of the highlights of the year; the students love it! It is the climax to our body management unit. Students are invited to & have permission to bring one stuffed animal (It does not have to be a jungle-related animal) to place in the jungle during their class times. Also, it is very important, for safety reasons, that children have proper gym shoes. Without proper shoes, they may miss parts of the jungle. Class schedules can be found on Ms. Chase’s web page. You are more than welcome to stop in to see the Jungle in action! If you have questions, feel free to contact Ms. Chase.