Meet Ms Maggie, School Social Worker
Wednesday, February 24, 2021 5:25 AM

Our PTA Membership Chair caught up with Maggie Quinlan, School Social Worker at Lake Harriet Community School.
What is your role at LHCS and how long have you been with the school? I have been a School Social Worker at Lake Harriet Community School for 17 1/2 years! I have worked at both campuses and am currently working at upper campus 3 days a week.
How you would like students to address you?
Ms. Maggie.
Please share a little about yourself:
I was born right here in Minneapolis where I played and grew up with my four younger brothers and sisters. I went to college at UW Madison and stayed there to work until I left the country to do Peace Corps in the South Pacific (Fiji) in the village of Vuinaqalutu.
My husband, Bob, and I returned to Minneapolis and I finished graduate school at the U of MN to become a School Social Worker. I worked at a couple of schools in NE Mpls before arriving here at LHCS. We have enjoyed living in Linden Hills and raising our three kids here in the neighborhood where they all attended Lake Harriet Community School. I have appreciated the integrated lifestyle of living and working in the same community!
What do you love about working with kids?
Kids are the light of our world, so full of wisdom and spirit and endlessly funny and playful. I enjoy being involved in their learning and supporting their social emotional growth. We are growing some amazing leaders here.
How has the PTA supported you?
The PTA has been answering my "asks" every year, funding various programs that I find to enrich our classrooms. They have also helped supply me with curriculum and tools for small group work. I consider the PTA one of my teams and am so grateful for their strength and generosity. 
Do you have any hobbies or special interests outside of the classroom?
I love playing with my 4-year-old grandson, hiking, yoga, skiing, biking, water sports and just about anything outside. I love to sing with my choir and read and volunteer in various community organizations. I find my peace each day circling the Lake Harriet shoreline near dawn.