Meet New Staff at Upper
Monday, May 9, 2016 6:20 AM


We welcome 3 new staff at Upper Campus. They were recently interviewed by some of our Student Ambassadors.


Meet Creanna Butler Joyner Interviewed by Grace D. and Darby Z. Grace: Where did you work before here?

Creanna: Hale Elementary and Buffalo Exchange.

Darby: What is your favorite food and color?

Creanna: Pasta and burnt orange.

Grace: What do you like to do outside of school?

Creanna: Photography and fashion.

Darby: Do you have any siblings?

Creanna: 1 sister Taja.

Grace: What is your favorite book and why?

Creanna: Invisible Monsters, because it’s about how people see beauty.


Meet Shane Brink Interviewed by Sam S. and Andrew E.

Q1: Where did you come from?

Shane: This is the first school I’ve worked at. I worked as volunteer support.

Q2: Do you feel comfortable in this school?

Shane: Yes, I like this school. The students are nice.

Q3: Do you enjoy spending your day at Lake Harriet?

Shane: Yes, I like going to a variety of different classrooms and supporting students.

Q5:    What are your hobbies?

Shane: Whitewater canoeing, boating, hiking, and fishing.


Meet Adrienne Bisping Interviewed by Lucinda E. and Sophia S.

Q1: Where did you work before this?

Adrienne: St. Joseph’s

Q2: How long have you worked here?

Adrienne: 3 days.

Q3: Where did you grow up and what did you like to do as a kid?

Adrienne: Duluth and I loved to swim.

Q4: What do you like to do now?

Adrienne: I do a lot of Boy Scout stuff with my 3 boys and camping.