Meeting Regarding the LHCS School Structure with Area C Superintendent Theresa Battle
Monday, April 15, 2013 6:45 AM


At the Parent and Community Input Meeting Regarding New Principal Qualities on March 12th, questions were raised about whether Mary Rynchek's replacement would be principal over the full LHCS K-8 school or only the Upper Campus.  The current job posting is for a 4th-8th Grade School only.  Many in attendance felt that this was a change from the current LHCS school structure. Theresa Battle agreed to hold a "listening session" meeting in which people could share their ideas, feedback and concerns about this topic.  She has arranged to meet with the Upper & Lower staff and the parent community on:
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
8:00 AM  
Upper Campus Gym
Child care will be available.  We encourage all to attend.