News from the Lower Campus
Monday, November 4, 2013 7:05 AM


Between December 2nd and 20th, all MPS students will participate in a survey process asking students to provide their teacher with their perceptions of the class. Although MPS has worked to ensure that these surveys are short and non-obtrusive, we also want parents to know that students do not have to take the survey. Please contact your school’s survey coordinator if you have questions or if you would like to opt out of having your student participate. Please visit this website to view the survey questions and read additional information.

Coffee and Conversation with Jan is now Coffee and Conversation with Jan, Walter, and Merry on November 11 at 9:30.  This conversation is in the Commons at the Lower Campus.  We welcome both the Upper and Lower parents to come and tell us your ideas and dreams for LHCS and ask about your concerns.  It will only last an hour and coffee will be provided.

MPS Magazine photographed our new addition on October 31. They might run the story in December issue under the The Best of section.

Thank you the PTA volunteers who worked hard to make the Book Fair a success.  All the profits come back to the school enhance are media resources for students.

