News from the Lower Campus
Monday, February 17, 2014 7:20 AM


Testing: The third grade will be taking the MCA reading test during the week of March 10 and the math MCA test the week of April 21.  Please try not to schedule family activities that would take students out of school for those two weeks.

ACCESS testing for our students learning English is ongoing through March 21.

MAP testing for first and second grade is from April 30-May 21.

Request from a neighbor:  I know that parking is a premium when we have a lot of volunteers at the Lower Campus. A neighbor called and said that twice a car was blocking his driveway.  He very nicely asked that we make that known and ask our school friends to be aware of where they park.

I will be at a conference the week of March 3.  In my absence, Mrs. Anne Wade will be principal.  She was an assistant principal at the Lower Campus many years ago and now is retired.  She is quite capable and willing to help.  She will also be able to get in contact with me if necessary.  As always I will answer e-mail while I am gone.