Parents of LH Lower students from The Principal
Wednesday, September 18, 2019 6:00 AM

Information for your child’s safety at Lake Harriet Lower please read.
The traffic in and around the school has become a concern and for everyone’s safety we need to go over some of the drop off and dismissal procedures:
Parents Dropping off students in the AM.  
You may drop your student off on 41st street between 9:20 and 9:35 a.m. There is no parking adjacent to the school. If you need to come in with your child, please park across the street from the school and walk in entering door #1. If you arrive after the second bell at 9:35 a.m., you must enter the school and get a tardy pass from our school nurse in the health office.
Students who wish to eat breakfast can enter at 9:20 a.m. All others are allowed to enter the school at 9:25 a.m. when the first bell rings.
We ask parents to say their good byes at the door foyer area. At 9:35 a.m., the doors are locked and all entrance thereafter happens through door #1. 
Bus Arrival at Lower in the AM:  
All incoming buses are now routed to come down Drew stopping for students to enter the building through door #3. (This is a change from going down Chowen). Note: 41st is steep and dangerous during the winter months). Students will exit the buses and enter the school through door #3 (Minneapolis Kids Door).
Bus Dismissal at Lower in the PM:  
No changes this school year. Teachers will walk all students out to buses down the bus lane. The Outgoing Special Needs buses will depart from Drew and the Outgoing general education buses will depart from Chowen and one from 40th.
Parents Picking up students in the PM:
Please do not try to pick up children in the front of the school or on Drew or ask to take students out of line, as classes are walking down the bus lane.
Please park your cars (idling more than 3 minutes is illegal) and stand with the other parents on the corner of 40th and Drew. Please wait past the bus #9 sign.
Pass the word to all anyone who picks up students. I have asked the staff to enforce these procedures for the safety of the students.
Students who walk home in the PM:
Students will be crossed by our specialists. They can cross at 41st and Chowen or 41st and Drew. It is then up to parents to show your child how to safely walk home from there. Note: Please do not pick up your student from these corners and get in a car and drive home. This crossing opportunity is for our student walkers only. If you would like your child to walk home, please send a note to your child’s teacher as well as to our transportation coordinator.
NOTE: If you need to make any changes to your child’s dismissal please contact your child’s teacher, the main office and Travis Jansen our transportation Coordinator. If you do not get a confirmation then do not assume we know of the change.
With Kindness,
Merry Tilleson, Principal