Tardy Policy and Late Assignment Policy
Academic success is directly correlated to attendance and tardies. Students must understand that it does matter if they are on time to school and to each class of the day. We feel it necessary to have a specific tardy policy starting the 2009-2010 school year.
Tardy to School
Students arriving after 9:15 A.M. must check in at the office to obtain a tardy slip before being admitted to the classroom. Families of students who are frequently tardy in the morning will be notified.
Tardy To Class
In order for students to be considered on time for class, they must be in the room. Students who are not on time will receive a tardy unless they have a pass with a time and signature on it. If students are having locker problems, need to see the nurse or need to go to the bathroom, they must go to class and see the teacher first to avoid a tardy. The following policy applies to the number of tardies per class.
Students arriving late to class will adhere to the following progressive tardy policy.
1st and 2nd tardy - Teacher warning (documented)
3rd tardy - Students are assigned after-school reflection and parents are notified of the detention.
If students fail to appear for after school reflection, in-school suspension will be used.
Late Assignments
It is the expectation that students in order to experience optimum academic success, must complete all assignments. Teachers will post all assignments including due dates on the web page and encourage students to write the same in their student agenda book. Notice of assignments must be posted and students informed at least five school days prior to the due date. On the day that the assignment is due, teachers will inform students who have not submitted work, that the work is now late and that the following late penalty with apply:
1 school day late = 10% deduction of the earned grade
2 school days late = 20% deduction of the earned grade
3 or 4 school days late = 30% deduction of the earned grade
5 days late = 40% deduction of the earned grade
Assignments will not be accepted after the five late days.