Lower Campus Main Office:
Please be patient with any school related business at our main office. Our secretary will be out for a few weeks and we are being very creative in the ways we support our front desk. Also, we are training a new LPN and will get our attendance procedures up and running shortly. Again, thank you for your patience and support!
Lower Campus Dismissal Reminders from Lake Harriet Student Handbook:
Parents wishing to arrange playdates for their children at the Lower Campus should do so independently of school. Students may not ride on buses that they are not regularly assigned to. Bus drivers will drop students off at their regular stops only. Possible alternatives are a) plan to pick up your child and guest after they have arrived home from school or b) pick them up at their bus stop with parent permission. Only parents of the student can sign them out from school. Other LHCS parents are not allowed to come to school before dismissal to pick up and sign out a child for a play date. In emergency cases ONLY, the school must have written permission or direct phone contact with both parents involved (parent picking up and parent of child being picked up) in advance. Parents that normally walk or transport their child to school may pick up another walking student or parent transport child at the parent pick up corner on 40th and Drew only if the student has a note from their parent, given to the teacher, giving authorization to the other parent. The office should also be notified. Thank you for your support and cooperation!