13 Reasons Why
Tuesday, May 29, 2018 1:00 AM


On Friday, May 18, 2018, Netflix released the second season of the controversial show “13 Reasons Why.” The content deals with issues of suicide, rape, bullying, drunk driving, and other sensitive topics. We understand that students are curious about these topics and that viewing this show is compelling for many teens and pre-teens. The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) does not recommend the viewing of this series for vulnerable populations, particularly those struggling with suicidal ideation, depression, or anxiety. NASP has also provided resources and guides for educators and families so that they may engage in dialogue around the sensitive topics for students who choose to watch and to be aware of any concerns that may arise for students after viewing “13 Reasons Why.”


School support staff, such as our school social worker, Lynne McCoy, and school psychologist, Julie Hirsch, are available to support students with any feelings that may emerge due to viewing the show or from conversations stemming from the show “13 Reasons Why.”