Grant Application for 2021-2022

Grant Application Guidelines

  • The Grant Application deadline is April 2, 2021.
  • Grants will be reviewed by the PTA Finance Committee as they are submitted. The PTA Board will vote on these recommendations at the General Membership PTA meeting on May 11, 2021.
  • Grant funds are not associated with an individual grade. Funds are used to support programs or events that enhance the students' education and encourage community building for multi grade levels.
  • Minimum amount requested: $100.00. Maximum amount requested: $10,000. 
  • Applications can be completed by LHCS staff or a parent/guardian with approval of the LHCS staff member most affected by the request, and LHCS administration.
  • All requests must have the support of at least one LHCS staff person, unless the project lead is a staff person.
  • Receipts for expenditures are required and must be submitted by June 01, 2022.
  • See the LHCS PTA Budget Policies and Procedures document for complete details, including allowable and non-allowable items.
  • If questions still remain after reviewing all documents, please contact Anne Thielen /President or Claire Bryan/ Treasurer.

All forms must be submitted electronically using the format below. 


Project Lead: Please enter the primary contact information. If you are a parent, please enter a staff member as a Secondary Contact in the Staff Support box below.
If you are a parent completing this application, briefly describe your background and qualifications:
This field is required if a non-staff member is the Primary Contact for this project.
Staff Support Name 

* denotes a required field