Homework Requirements


The GISE and GEMS program: Robotics

Robot programming and design will be done during meeting times with a team’s coach at school or a parent coach at the coach’s home, where the robot, computers and other necessary tools are located.  For most students, this is the “fun” part and we want to maximize learning with the technology. Students may request extra practice time on their own, if tables are accessible and teacher or parent coach permission is granted.

The GISE and GEMS program: Academics

Because designing and programming the robot needs to be done during meeting times with coaches, the research and invention presentation is best managed as homework assignments and parent volunteer-led meetings.


The GISE and GEMS program students must commit to homework as needed. GISE and GEMS are designed to get students excited about STEM, and the program provides a great incentive for students to learn in many ways – the robots! Each student should do some piece of work, and then gather with teammates to discuss, plan and design (and re-design) the solution. Types of Homework 

•  Research – providing students with the opportunities to acquire new knowledge from many sources and to understand a problem;

•  Sharing what you’ve learned  - providing opportunities for students to educate the world around them;

•  Innovative Solution – providing opportunities for students to use their imagination and their engineering or program design capabilities;

•  Presentation Preparation – providing opportunities to create and give a presentation.

NOTE: When assigning homework that relies upon the use of technology, the GISE and GEMS program is mindful of equity issues. Students who do not have access to computers, Internet, and/or email at home will not be disadvantaged when it comes to completing an assignment. We encourage families without Internet access to notify a GISE and GEMS teacher, so we can offer any support possible. 

Parents/guardians can help by encouraging and supporting students to complete homework. Students can help by: completing homework within the given time frame, alerting parents/guardians to homework expectations, ensuring homework is of a high standard and well organized, and organizing time to ensure that sufficient time is given to homework within set deadlines. 
Students who fail to complete homework assignments may miss the programming time as they complete their homework.

Consistent failures to complete homework may result in dismissal from the program.