2018 LHCS Science and Technology Fair, March 15
Tuesday, February 20, 2018 12:35 AM

science fair

Join fellow LHCS students at the 2018 Science and Technology Fair on Thursday, March 15 from 6 to 8 pm at the Upper Campus! The fair is a fun, non-competitive event to promote discovery and exploration in science and technology. Students in all grades are encouraged to present a scientific topic of interest, an invention, or projects in computers/coding, engineering or robotics. Present by yourself or with friends! Projects should be created at home and should demonstrate students' best effort. Displays should be self-standing, fit in a 3 ft by 1.5 ft area, and labeled with student name(s). Projects involving food should be nut-free. Sign up below to participate AND sign up to volunteer helping out! Volunteer here.  Signup here.  Questions or Comments? email lhcssciencefair@gmail.com