3rd Graders Wanted for Read-a-Thon Opening Ceremony
Monday, January 13, 2014 6:20 AM


We need your help, 3rd Graders, to kick off the Read-a-Thon at our opening ceremony on Friday, January 31 from 9:30 10:30am. 

Mosh Pit: Youll play a key part of being in the mosh pit at a pretend concert. Volunteers are asked to also make a banner or sign that says I love to Read, Rock & Read Forever, I want to Rock, etc. The winner of the most creative banner or sign will win a $10 Wild Rumpus gift certificate! We need 50 helpers that can have fun yet be in control.


Security: Youll secure the crowds and protect the band during the mayhem. Dark sunglasses and a black shirt required. We need four responsible 3rd Graders.


Have your parent(s) contact Amy Mimick (amymimick@yahoo.com) if you would like to help out and well send out more details on where to go that day