A note from Theresa Battle
Monday, April 15, 2013 6:55 AM


Dear Lake Harriet Community School Parents, Students and Staff,

The posting for the Lake Harriet principal who will replace Mary Rynchek closed on Friday, April 5, 2013. I want to update you about the next steps in the principal selection process. Human Resources staff will review applications and determine those candidates who have a complete application. Then an application evaluation will be conducted based on selection competencies. Candidates who are selected to move on based on the application review will be considered for next steps in the process which include interviews, reference checks and instructional and managerial leadership assessments. Interviews include a stakeholder interview and your staff and parent representatives to serve on the committee have been submitted to me. I hope to conclude these steps of the process by May 10, 2013.

It is my plan to make an offer to the selected candidate by May 17, 2013.

Thanks again for sharing your feedback about the qualities, skills and dispositions you want to see the new principal possess. The information you provided will be helpful in finding a great match for your school. As you know all of the feedback received has been compiled and themes were identified. The themes were captured in the attached Lake Harriet Principal Profile and Lake Harriet Principal Leadership Profile.

Parents have asked for an additional listening session so the new principal understands the expectations for the principal to maintain the continuity of the K-8 program. I am still committed to holding the listening session when the new principal is named. I will work with Mary Rynchek, Jan Parrish, the Site Council and PTA chairpersons to schedule a date in May.


Theresa Battle

Associate Superintendent



Leadership Profile
Lake Harriet School Principal

The most important leadership characteristics for the Lake Harriet School principal include the following:


The most important issues in selecting the next principal should be:

  • Supports and advocates for LH students
  • Strong instructional leader
  • Collaborates and communicates well with families and community members
  • Strong advocate for the school – in regards to academics and budget
  • Understands gifted and talented – experience advocating for GT
  • Passionate about learning and excelling
  • High academic expectations
  • Knowledge of current academic areas & challenges campuses face
  • Safe school environment
  • Singular/unified vision for K-8 – cohesive leader
  • Ability to deal effectively with administration and the district
  • Create a culture of inclusion


The following qualities of a new principal may be important:

  • Provides clear, strong visionary leadership for staff
  • Embrace the strong parent and community involvement
  • Able to listen to staff and parents and respect their opinions
  • Innovative and resourceful with limited funds
  • Approachable and open to feedback
  • Proponent and advocate for kids
  • Communication: good listener, provides clear and frequent communication

The following was the most important in regards to a Lake Harriet education:

  • Large percentage of gifted and talented students
  • Have active, concerned parents who advocate for their child’s education
  • Strong PTA with financial backing
  • High expectations of students and staff
  • Five star school
  • Deep culture of literacy
  • Great programs/activities for students– Choir, band, orchestra, student government, advanced math, GEMS/GISE, science fair, sports, exciting field trips