All for Books Program
Monday, October 29, 2012 6:25 AM


This year, in conjunction with the Scholastic Book Fair, we have elected to participate in Scholastic's "All for Books" program. Through this program, any money that we collect will be used to buy books, at cost, for Sheridan Elementary in north Minneapolis. Sheridan Elementary is a school with a 98% free and reduced lunch population, and a 40% rate of meeting and passing standardized tests. Sheridan Elementary also has a very active principal who hosts literacy nights at their school, where food and books are provided. They often fall short on books, which is where we can help. We are asking students to bring pocket change to class the week of October 29-November 1st to support fellow Minneapolis students in their quest for literacy!


Thanks in advance for your help, and see you at the Fair November 1st and 2nd!!!