Amassing a School-Owned Bicycle Fleet
Monday, February 25, 2013 6:15 AM


Come hear Mark Trumper’s inspiring story of obtaining, maintaining and storing a class set of really nice bicycles for fourth graders at Pillsbury Community School.


The workshop is also an opportunity to connect with others across MPS who care about children and bicycles.  School-owned bicycles fleets have truly changed lives of MPS students. They have been used for field trip transportation, service learning projects, bicycle safety education, non-food rewards, bicycle trail-riding clubs and more. Imagine the possibilities for your school. Mark will share his experience of growing the fleet and talk about private business partnerships, PTA support, grants through Achieve Minneapolis and through Community Education, and Free Bikes 4 Kidz. He’ll also talk about storing the fleet…with details down to the hooks, lumber, and spacing. The good news is a fleet of bicycles takes up less space than you might think!


The workshop is appropriate for parents, staff, or anyone in the elementary, middle or high school community seeking to start, organize, or expand a school-owned bicycle fleet. All are welcome.


School-Owned Bicycle Fleet Workshop

Tuesday, March 5th

7:30-8:30 A.M. or 3:30-4:30 P.M.

The Davis Center 1250 West Broadway Avenue

Please RSVP to MPS Safe Routes to School, 612-668-5419,



  • Did you know that walking or biking to school has more of an effect on students’ concentration and focus than eating breakfast or lunch, lasts 4 hours, and gives a ½ year gain in achievement?
  • We’re not the only ones with bicycle dreams: A school in Boston is betting that a program of before-school riding on a school-owned bicycle fleet will improve middle schoolers’ brainpower and reduce ADHD symptoms.