Area C Parent and Community Meeting
Monday, October 7, 2013 7:10 AM


Strengthening Our Schools

Wednesday, October 9th, 6-8 p.m.

Ramsey Middle School 1 W. 49tSt.

Enrollment Listening Session


Five Year Enrollment Plan:

·       Learn more about MPS' five-year enrollment plan! Minneapolis Public Schools (MPS) has laid out a five-year enrollment plan to strengthen schools by addressing, increasing, and changing enrollment across the city. This may affect your child's school within the next five years.

·       The plan will enable MPS to offer exciting and innovative academic programs in every area of the city to meet the needs of our diverse learners.

·       Proposed changes in Zone 3 will focus on creating additional capacity through high-quality school choice options, expansion of facilities and/or program relocation.


Flyer to Share:






Childcare provided for ages 3 & up and interpreters are available.

For questions, call Gael Ellis 612-382-0546 or e-mail