Art Supplies needed at Upper Campus
Tuesday, February 6, 2018 5:20 AM


It’s that time again! I want to start by thanking all the amazing volunteers that have stepped up to the plate so far this year to help me out! You guys ROCK! I also would like to say that the amount of support I get is overwhelming. I know that so many of you have offered to help me in any way that you can, so I thought that maybe I should try this out! We need canvas! If you have any canvas rolls or an actual painting canvas that you could provide- that would be great!  Used or new.


Once again, thank you all for you time, consideration, and commitment to the students here at Lake Harriett Upper. I really do appreciate everything that you do for me and the students. I could not do what I do without you.


Thank you,


Mrs. Laura Hale, Upper Campus Art Teacher