Attention 8th Grade families! Time to think HIGH SCHOOL!
Monday, October 28, 2013 6:35 AM


Attention 8th Grade Families
Understanding the MPS Road to High School Choices

Is the MPS district high school process new to you?   If so, please view this district high school information for Zone 3 (the zone that LHCS is in) that was presented at the Zone 3 High School Meeting.  This presentation provides an overview of school choices for families within our zone.  Families choosing public schools in Minneapolis have a choice between their community high school (based on your home address) and a selection of city-wide (magnet) schools.   The presentation also includes processes to request a high school as well as some instructions on how to manage within the MPS website and statistics of getting your "first choice".  

If you are investigating your school options, you may also find the following resources helpful.

  • MPS Website
  • MPS High School Request Center
  • MPS School Websites   (example:
  • MPS Research Evaluation & Assessment Department
  • Minnesota Department of Education (MDE)

Also, the remaining MPS High School Open House for our area:
Wednesday, Oct. 30 -Southwest Open House, 6:30 p.m., 3414 - 47th St. W.