Calling all LHCS Dragons from Kindergarten to 8th Grade!
Wednesday, June 3, 2020 5:25 AM

To celebrate the end of the 2019-20 school year we want student and staff photos or videos to highlight our time during school closure.
Specifically, we want to see:
Something you have learned  
A kindness you shared or received  
Someone or something you are grateful for.
Moe information and examples are available here.
Submit photos/videos via: Celebrating Dragon Spirit no later than Monday, June 1st at 8:00am. 
  • Pictures and/or videos should be shot horizontally. 
  • Video should be 10-30 seconds.
  • If recording be sure to hold the microphone close and leave space at the beginning and end for editing purposes.
We will compile all submissions and share the final product with the whole community. 
We can’t wait to see what you send!
The LHCS Student Support Team: Maggie, Martha, Lynne and Julie