Class Lists Posted Prematurely
Monday, July 28, 2014 6:05 AM

Lake Harriet Community,

Merry and I want everyone to know that homeroom assignments have been posted to the parent portal, but some of them may still change.  This happened because the state is requiring all schools to create elementary schedules.  In prepartion for scheduling, our secretaries created the homeroom lists based on the first round of editing. Normally class lists aren't finalized until mid-August when all stakeholders have had a chance to review and adjust them for class size, learning profiles, gender balance, etc.  While most homerooms will stay the same, some may change.  Because of the way they were inputed, we cannot "hide" the lists at this point.  Please consider the current assignments as preliminary and help your student(s) understand that they may change.  We apologize for this glitch.  If you have any questions please let us know, however, after today the only staff in the buildings will be maintenance and construction crews.  We thank you for your understanding and patience.