Anishinabe Academy and Anne Sullivan schools In Minneapolis Public Schools share one building in the Seward Neighborhood. These schools both have a student population at 97% free/reduced lunch and they need our help! They are in need of extra clothes to keep at the school nurse’s office for their students’ use.
Specifically, they are looking for new or gently used elastic band sweat/athletic pants and leggings for both boys and girls grades K – 8. As you are clearing out your kids' outgrown clothes this spring, please consider donating them. They could also use socks and underpants (for 2nd grade – middle school girls) and underpants for boys, as well as t-shirts for girls.
If you are on a Target run or going to garage sales , please consider picking up some of these necessity items. A donation box will be available at the LHCS Upper Campus by the gym entrance. Thank you for pitching in!