Community News-Linden Hills Park Playground Upgrade: MPRB Wants Your Feedback
Tuesday, February 25, 2020 5:00 AM

The Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board (MPRB) has designated more than $400K for improvements at Linden Hills Park, and they want to hear from residents about how that money should be spent.
The funding is split between two projects:
  • MPRB has designated $291K to go towards play area and site improvements at Linden Hills Park. This project will focus on replacing play equipment, tables or benches, as well as other maintenance related or low impact park improvements. 
  • In addition, MPRB has identified more than $120K in park dedication fees for Linden Hills Park; these funds must be used for new amenities in the park. 
With these two projects in mind, MPRB has created a survey to collect feedback from Linden Hills residents to help them prioritize play area and other site improvements. This survey will be open through February 29 and is expected to be the first in a series of surveys about these projects.
Please click here to take the survey
You can also sign up for email updates and get more project information here.
Questions can be directed to Project Manager Julia Roessler at (612) 230-6463 or