Community News - School Board Election
Monday, October 13, 2014 6:10 AM


School Board Election

On November 4, 2014, Minneapolis residents will elect five new school board members, including two citywide representatives. LHCS-Attendance-Area parents can vote for only the two citywide representatives.  There are four citywide candidates.

Board members shape this city's public school system, and are a major part of deciding if we have equitably funded schools that focus on educating the whole child.

So far there are four School Board Forums to ensure that our voices will be heard in this year's school board race.  Please join us learning more about the issues and candidates in this year's Minneapolis school board race!
Thursday, October 2, 6-8pm at Mpls Urban League.  Organized by the Coalition for Critical Change
Monday, October 13, 6:30-8:30pm at Bryant Lake Bowl. Organized by Theatre for Public Policy, $10 includes entertainment.
Sunday, October 19 or 26, 2:00-4:30. Location TBA.  Organized by a coalition of latino community groups.   
Wednesday, October 29,  6:30-8:00pm at Waite House.  Organized by League of Women Voters, Pillisbury UC and MinnPost.

Community News is news submitted by the LHCS community; it is not school sponsored.