Contacts in SchoolMessenger
Tuesday, April 9, 2019 5:35 AM

We have made a change that will allow all parents/guardians to receive notifications from SchoolMessenger, unless they are flagged no contact on the Contacts page in Discovery. Please note emergency contacts will continue to receive notifications from SchoolMessenger. (For example, all weather closures are emergency calls to ensure student safety.)
Please be sure to update all contacts with the correct communication flags and language preferences on the student contacts page within Discovery.
For the contact update, not only do all parent/guardian contacts for a student import into the system, but so do all numbers associated with that contact. We are working to make sure work numbers do not get calls, but if the numbers are not properly marked in Discovery as being a work number, families may get calls at that number. Any updates made in Discovery will correct information in SchoolMessenger.
While this is a good change that makes sure more people are receiving the messages they are supposed to, it does mean more numbers are getting messages. As always, families can change their preferences about which numbers get what type of calls by following the instructions at