Distance Learning Update from our Principals
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 5:45 AM

As we wrap up second quarter, we want to thank you all for partnering with us through unprecedented times. Although we are not together in the brick and mortar of our buildings, we have much to celebrate. Our teachers have learned and implemented new technology skills like no other time in our history. Our students have adapted and learned new methods of communication and learning. They are demonstrating their learning and understanding each day in a variety of ways. Our fall conferences were attended by nearly all of our families.
MPS recently announced that we will not be moving into Phase 3 ("Distance Learning with In-Person Supports"). Phase 3 is now on hold until we have 28 days of cases back down in Tier 4 - below 50 per 10K. We are currently in Tier 5 with 57/10K in Mpls. Due to the increase in COVID cases in Minneapolis, we will be continuing with distance learning for all students.
Thank you for your continued patience, flexibility and support during these difficult times.
Angie Ness, Principal - Lower Campus
Walter Schleisman, Principal - Upper Campus