Monday, May 6, 2013 6:35 AM


We are excited that next year LHCS will be right sized!  The addition to Lower Campus is expected to be complete and there will be room for 3rd grade to be there.  The new classrooms will be big enough for the kids and the materials needed for students to learn effectively.  LC students will have a lunch room that meets their needs, Art and Music will move their carts into an actual classroom, MinneapolisKids will have space and after 20 years, we will have no portables!   With the 3rd grade moving to the lower campus, the UC will be right sized too.   This means that LHCS will not have any split classes, will not be teaching classes in the lunch room and the teachers will have a suitable teacher's lounge.  Also, final class lists are not available yet, but at this point we expect that most classrooms will not exceed the referendum class size recommendations.  It is possible, as always to exceed those recommendations by one or occasionally two students as people move into the neighborhood.  (Referendum class size recommendations are 26 students in a classroom for K-3rd, and 32 students for 4th-8th.)


UPPER CAMPUS Teaching and Room Assignments for 2013-14

Classrooms are listed in parenthesis.


MIDDLE GRADES 2013-14                



Jeff T.:   (202)   3 classes of 6th CMP

TBN:   (207)      3 classes of 8th Alg.;  1 of  7th grade in Alg.;  1 of 8th in HS math

Zoe M.:  (203)  3  classes of 7th CMP;   1 of 6th grade in 7th CMP


6th Grade Academic Extension:

Kim Kirk:  (205)  1 class (additional math from Jeff T., Organizational Skills and study time)

Jeff T.:     (202)  2 classes (additional math, Organizational Skills and study time)

Zoe M.:   (203)  1 class (6th grade Adv. Math Pathway class doing math, Org. Skills, study time)



Kim Kirk:   (205)   2 classes of 6th

Diane W.:  (214)   3 classes of 7th ;   2 classes of 6th

Angie R.:   (216)   1 class of 7th;  4 classes of 8th


Lang. Arts:

Peg E.:       (208)  2 classes of 6th

Matt S.:     (213)  2 classes of 6th;   3 classes of 7th

TBN:           (114)  1 class of 7th;    4 classes of 8th



Peg E.:   (208)  3 classes of 7th Span I

Jen S.:    (212)  4 classes of 8th  Span. II;  1 Class of 7th Span I


Soc. St.:

Kim Kirk:    (205)  2 classes of 6th

John W.:    (204)  4 classes of 8th;  1 class of 7th

Deb K.:       (210)  3 classes of 7th;  2 classes of 6th


Health, Social Skills and Reading:

Luke N. - Health: (113) 1 class of 8th Health in 6th hour;  1 class 4th gr. Social Skills/Health in 5th hour  


Fourth Grade:

Amy O’Hara:         (1)  4th

Diane Jorde:         (107)  4th

Gino Marchetti:   (104)  4th

Ray Christy:          (111)  4th

Jane Lieptiz:          (3)  4th


Fifth Grade:

Barb Boerboon:       (2)  5th

Brian Badenhoff:     (102)  5th

Kate Weidenbach:  (103)  5th

Sue LeVahn:             (105)  5th   



Ann Amundson:   (5)  4th and 5th

Cary Sfikas and Darcy Grandel:  (13/14)  middle grades

Dan Tanz:  (7)    middle grades



Jon D.,  PE

1.0   Jen C., Music

1.0   Joe P., Art

0.8  TBN., S.T.E.M. grades 4,5,6,7

0.4  Luke N., Health/Social Skills  grades 4 and 8

0.6  Mike M., Band and Strings     Mon., Tues., Thurs.


·       The temp Staff Lounge that was in NW stair tower in 2012-13 will be used for Tarneka as Family Liaison and for her small groups during the day and after school. This will remain locked when not in use.

·       The small office outside of the main office will become the receiving area for the nursing office to aid in phone privacy to parents.

·       The Instructional Specialist will be assigned to room 209 as their office.

·       Room 113 (Luke’s classroom during 4th, 5th & 6th hours) will be available for tutoring or small groups 9:40-12:40 daily.  It will be locked when not in use – see Paula for key.·         The Staff Lounge for next year will be in room 112. This space is available for PTA and Site Council meetings after school.




We will be looking for a second grade teacher, a new Wings teacher, two SEAs and a LPN for next fall. 


Here is the list of our current staff as we know it:


Principal            Jan Parrish                                    Secretary            Chris Hall                                   

K FD                        Nancie Delebo                                    Art                        Renee Beer           

K                        Derek Carlson                                    Music                        Mike Brown

K                        Sheri Sisler                                    Phys. Ed            Carol Chase

1                        Nancy Johnson                        Media                        Kay Knight

1                        Kellie Perez                                    SERT                        Leah Swanson           

1                        Bounna Chhun                        Social Worker            Maggie Quinlan

1                        Jane Lyga-Jones                        Psychologist            Julie Hearst

1                        Sue Shuff                                    SEA                        Tam Hansen           

2                        Tamra Jurgens                                    SEA                        Orinne Norstrom

2                        Theresa Harich                        SEA                        Debbie Ryan

2                        Diane Cologna                        SEA                        Becca Hoisington

2                        Scott Devens                                    SEA                        Kathryn Peterson

2                        TBN                                                SEA                        TBN

3                        Amy Hollembeak                        EA                        Kathy Serrill

3                         Debi Mattson                                    EA                        Paula Stoltz

3                        Dawn Porter                                    EA                        Andrea Hallberg

3                        Leif Hallan                                    Nurse                        Kathy Frey

3                        Kelly Pier                                    LPN                        TBN

Instructional               Bethany Pearson                        Speech Clinician Georganne Csargo           
