Food at School/MPS Wellness Policy
Tuesday, October 17, 2017 5:15 AM


Minneapolis Public Schools partners with staff, parents, students, and community to prepare students to make healthy choices for themselves.  At LHCS we will adhere to the MPS Wellness Policy 6690, a comprehensive guideline that includes standards for daily physical activity and nutritious foods.  These guidelines ensure we are in compliance with federal guidelines, and they create an environment that promotes and protects student and staff well-being.  

Birthday Celebrations

Food may not be brought into the school for birthday celebrations per the District Food Policy.  Teachers may choose to celebrate birthdays in a manner that does not include food.  For grades 5-8, there will be no birthday celebrations at school.


Other Celebrations

Classroom celebrations will be limited and will not be centered on sweets.  Staff will work with administration and room representatives to support healthy practices during the school day.



Non-healthy treats will be avoided in all classroom rewards and rituals. All treats should be healthy and store bought and in compliance with the Wellness Policy.



Due to the last lunch shift being so far into the afternoon, some teachers allow a healthy snack.  Classroom snacks must be in accordance with the district wellness policy.


There are not lists for “suggested snacks” but rather guidelines to follow when purchasing snacks for school below:

·         Smart Snacks in Schools

·         Smart Snack Beverage Options

·         Snack Inspiration


Minnesota Health Alerts

Lake Harriet Community School (LHCS) follows directives and guidelines from the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minneapolis School district.


Student Handbook 2017-18