From the Health Office
Monday, June 1, 2015 6:30 AM


Dear parents/guardians,

The end of the school year is almost here. The health office would like to remind you that if your child takes medication at school, it is a best practice for all medications to be picked up by the parent/guardian. ALL controlled substances MUST be picked up by the parent/guardian.

Therefore, please pick up your child’s medication by the end of the day on Friday, June 5, 2015 (included in your child’s medication bag will be a new Authorization for Administration of Medication at School form to be filled out for the 2015-2016 school year). Medications not picked up in the health office will be disposed of through the Environmental Health & Safety Division.

Please note: If your child was invited and plans to attend summer school, the health office can deliver your child’s medication to the host summer school. Please send the health office an email if you’d like us to do this. Thank you for your cooperation.


Jackie Schmidt, RN, LSN

Lake Harriet Community School 612-668-3315 (upper campus) 612-668-3222 (lower campus)