From The Office
Tuesday, August 28, 2012 6:30 AM


Lower Campus Parent Pickup Location CHANGE
Jan Parrish, Principal of the Lower Campus, would like to move the Parent Pick Up to the playground area on Drew.  In addition to having more parking near that area, it will address safety concerns as it won't interfere with the buses or construction area and activity. Please pick up your children at the new location.  Thanks.
Reminder from the Office: Please get your Student Emergency Data Card(s) Turned In Quickly  
You should have gotten an Emergency Data card for each of your students.  The school needs to enter this data for all students, and would like to have them turned in as quickly as possible.
Last Week's Principal Letter, in case you missed it...
Read this latest Letter from the Principal, Mary Rynchek, about new teachers and new procedures and policies.