Headlice Information
Monday, November 30, 2015 6:40 AM


Dear Lake Harriet Community School Parents, Staff and Students:

Lice are annoying, time-consuming and expensive to get rid of. To help everyone prevent and limit the spread of head lice, we are asking all LHCS parents to:

1.   Please let the LHCS Health Office know if your child or children have lice (668-3315 Upper or 668-3222 Lower). All names will be kept confidential. This will enable us to send letters promptly to classmates’ parents to let them know they should be combing their children’s hair and checking for lice.  It will also help us to track more accurately the number of current cases.

2.   Please be sure to follow closely the directions for getting rid of lice (provided by your health care provider or on the packaging of the lice product you use). This means using the product correctly, washing bedding and towels, and cleaning or vacuuming clothing and other items that have been in contact with the head within the 2 days prior to detecting lice or nits.

3.   Comb, comb, comb. To really get rid of the lice, all viable eggs must be removed from the hair. No lice-killing product has been shown to be completely effective in killing all of the lice eggs (nits). Getting rid of the nits may decrease diagnostic confusion and help to avoid unnecessary retreatment.

4.   Talk to your children about avoiding head-to-head contact and sharing of hats and other head coverings.

5.   Keep monitoring at least weekly by taking time to comb your child’s hair.  Remember to check your child’s head after “sleep overs” and other times when they may have had close head to head contact.


For additional information on Head Lice prevention and treatments, please see the American Academy of Pediatrics article attached.


Or the Minnesota Department of Health website: http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/idepc/diseases/headlice/index.html 

Click here and here for additional information


Thank you,

Merry Tilleson


Walter Schleisman

Principals LHCS