Health Office Reminders
Tuesday, September 3, 2013 6:25 AM


2013 School Opener Heath Office Reminders~


Dear Parents,


Welcome to school year ’13-’14.  Please be sure to encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids during this hot weather.  Read below for very important health office policy.  It is good to start the year out with these reminders:


·       Call the main office to report an absence- Upper@ 668-3310, Lower @ 668-3210.

·       If your child needs any medication during the school year, (even an over-the-counter medication) we must have a signed medication order from a doctor (or health care provider) with a parent signature.   

·       7th and 8th graders can self-medicate IF they have a signed consent form on file in the health office.  The form is on Lake Harriet’s Health Service website. 

·       If you child has vomited in the past 24 hours, (or had a fever or diarrhea) he/she must stay home until 24 hours after the LAST episode or when the fever returns to normal without the benefit of Tylenol or Motrin.  If your child comes to school and reports that he/she has vomited, or has had diarrhea or a fever the night before, we are obligated to call home and keep him/her in the health office until you can pick him/her up (or clarify the matter). 

·       There are no extra clothes kept at the Upper campus.  Periodically throughout the year we will ask for donations of gently used girls and boys pants and underpants for the Lower Campus only.  Lower parents, please wash and return “loaners” if your child comes home in different clothes.  If your child has “accidents”, please send him/her with an extra sets of clothing. 

·       For students with life threatening allergies or asthma, we will continue with our new Health Office practice of obtaining updated medical orders the spring before the upcoming new school year in the fall.  Please plan to bring your student in for his/her annual check-up and updated orders around spring break time. J

·       If your child needs an inhaler or Epi-pen/Benadryl, please be sure to get it in ASAP.  We do not have all our meds in yet. 

·       What generates a phone call or e-mail home?  Anything out of the ordinary.  Anything that is minor or resolves during a health office visit will not be communicated.  When one parent is reached, that defines communication. 

·       Communicable disease notices will be sent home via e-mail again this year.  Parents please keep your child’s teachers and the main office updated with current e-mail addresses.  (Please let your child’s teacher know if you would prefer a hard copy).

·       Emergency contacts are used in loco parentis.  It is critical to keep contact information current with the main office. 

·       If a case of lice occurs in your child’s classroom, long hair should be tied up for 3 weeks.  Please go to Lake Harriet’s Health Service website for valuable information on lice treatment. 

·       Refer to Lake Harriet’s website for health related matters. 

Feel free to call the Health Office with any questions. 

Kathy Frey, School Nurse, RN, LSN- Monday and Wednesday @ Upper, Tuesday and Thursday @ Lower

Kathy Pressnall, LPN- Tuesday, Thursday and Friday @ Upper

Sarah Snook, LPN- Monday, Wednesday and Friday at Lower

UC phone: 612-668-3315, fax: 612-668-3320

LC phone: 612-668-3222. fax: 612-668-3220

When health is absent, wisdom cannot reveal itself, art cannot manifest, strength cannot fight, wealth becomes useless, and intelligence cannot be applied.  Herophilus