Honoring our retiring teachers
Wednesday, June 3, 2020 5:15 AM

thank you
There are many staff retiring at the end of this school year and students (along with their parents) can leave virtual messages of thanks to these important people who have impacted our lives so greatly.
On June 3rd from 10-12 am, during K/1 student belongings pickup, the Lower Campus will host Chalk, Balloons and Boxes for Retirees. Parents can drive up to get their bags and then will have the option of pulling up to the corner 41st and Drew to wave and drop cards for the retirees. 
In addition a Flipgrid Tribute page has been set up for each retiring teacher for students to leave response videos of thanks for their many years of service to MPS. Please note: because of the global privacy settings of these Flipgrid links, we ask parents to log into the Flipgrids and assist (or join in) with their child's response videos.
The Flipgrid pages are personally "owned" by each retiree so that they can watch and rewatch their tributes as often as they'd like. When you make your response videos, be creative or simply share your heartfelt feelings as any personal messages will be most appreciated by all.
Note: if you are not too familiar with Flipgrid, once you make a video response, you can go back and watch it (and possibly re-do it) before you save it by taking a selfie but you must take a selfie to save your video.
Lower Campus, Art Teacher.
Lower Campus, First Grade Teacher
Upper Campus, Assistant Principal and Lower Campus, Principal
Upper Campus, Speech-Language Pathologist Teacher
Lower Campus Kindergarten Teacher
Lower Campus Speech-Language Pathologist Teacher
Upper Campus, Developmental Adapted Phy Ed Teacher
Thank you for giving these special people some special thanks!