Innisbrook Is On!
Monday, September 17, 2012 6:15 AM


Each year, your participation in the Innisbrook sales fundraiser pays back over $35,000 to our school and creates energy and excitement with all students, early in the year.


Let’s make 2012 our biggest year yet!


You may have Innisbrook catalogs and materials in your youngest/only student’s take home mail (and if not – please check backpacks and ask your student). If your family did not receive a packet, there are more in the office at each campus.  Now’s the time to start shopping! Lots of new items this year, including fantastic new cookie dough and baked treats.


As with each year’s sales, students are rewarded for their effort in the fundraiser at multiple levels of participation. Even student selling one item will receive a prize (pencil topper) and only 15 items will get your student the highly coveted Alex the Alligator backpack buddy!  Your student will receive prizes when you enter your order into Innisbrook’s easy to use on-line system.


And there’s more –two classrooms (one Lower Campus, one Upper Campus) with the highest student participation will win a class pizza party!


Innisbrook is an LHCS fundraiser that is very successful beyond just our neighborhood. Grandparents, aunts, uncles and distant family and friends can contribute by shopping online at and entering code 109366 .


Please spread the word!


Now’s the time to get started – by september 25, we’ll knock last year’s socks off!


Thanks for your ongoing support of LHCS.