Innisbrook Fundraiser Is In Full Swing!
Monday, September 14, 2015 6:15 AM


We’re expecting another great year of raising funds for our school! It’s our biggest fundraiser of the school year, with a goal of $70,000!


Please act now as the sale only lasts for two short weeks. Sale ends Tuesday, September 22rd.


Prize information: The Innisbrook catalog includes a menu of prizes that students will automatically receive with their ordered items. As an added incentive, we are distributing minion gifts for early sales. Catalogs include coupons to be turned in outside of the lunchroom for prizes at lunchtime on Fridays during the sale. Note: The prize supply is limited, so please return your prize coupons early!


We are still in need of volunteers to help make this year a success! Contact an Innisbrook Fundraiser Chair if you can be a part of our all-volunteer team!


Click here for more information on Innisbrook, including online ordering and frequently asked questions for parents



Sarah Knudsen email

Nikki Niermann email
