Innisbrook: Winners and Survey
Monday, November 16, 2015 6:55 AM


Thank you to the parents, children, volunteers, teachers and school administrators for your support this year for Innisbrook! We are just a few hundreds dollars short of our goal of $70,000 in sales and we could not have done it without you!


We are pleased to announce the following winners for sales:


UC: O'Hara LC: Harich; Both these classes win a pizza party, and the teachers receive an Innisbrook gift basket.


Our top individual sellers were:

Top Sellers: UC: Connor Moser - 4th - Jorde ($1,001.00) - $25 iTunes Gift Card LC: Parker Taney - 2nd - Emerson ($1,200.00) - $25; Target Gift Card


Also, a reminder that the Innisbrook feedback survey is still out there and we would love to get your feedback. Please take a few minutes to complete a short survey; this is for both participants and non-participants.


Thank you for taking the time!

Your Innisbrook Chairs,

Nikki Niermann

Sarah Knudsen