Lake Harriet Community School is a Minnesota School of Excellence
Monday, April 21, 2014 6:30 AM


Did you know... the School of Excellence survey identified only two areas for Lake Harriet Community School to work on?

The first was discussed in an article the last newsletter, the second area for growth that was identified was one of the standards related to Knowledge and Data.

Specifically 14% of the surveys came back indicating that "Students are taught to use data to make informed decisions in their own learning" needs to be worked on.

How have we been working on this?

At Lake Harriet:

  • All teaching teams have worked on this standard through the teacher Standards of Effective Instruction (SOEI) observations. SOEI data indicate that teachers are asking students to evaluate their own work or another student's work base on a rubric
  • other learners......
  • Instructional Leadership Team (representative grade-level, specialist and support staff teams at both Lower and Upper Campus) met with the MPS Director of Talent Development, Melanie Crawford, to specifically look at the data for our advanced learners and are in the process of including this aspect while planning professional development for next year based on that data.

Specifically at the Lower Campus:

  • We continually look at student data through the Professional Learning Centers (each grade level teaching team meeting is structured as a PLC to plan and implement improvement).

Specifically at the Upper campus:

  • In August of this year our staff had a professional development session on 'Student Self-Assessment' from Charlotte Schuld.

Our Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) is starting to evaluate each student's work for this standard using the "student work protocol".