Legos and iPads – Looking for Donations
Tuesday, October 10, 2017 5:20 AM

you can help

Dear Parents - As you know we are moving towards a “Maker Space” in our Lower Campus media center. Many of you have helped by funding the Ozbots at Donors Choose. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! Our next step is to add some Legos for our engineering portion of this exciting new endeavor. These can be old Legos that your child no longer uses. Any type is welcome and no amount is too small. As you can imagine we need a lot of them if a group of 8 students are using them. 


Also I am looking for old iPads or other tablets that we can use to do Scratch Jr. and Scratch on. These are apps that are free and a great way to begin coding and exploring this process at the next level. I have 4 ipads and would like 4 more to have a center of 8 so they each can work on their own.


Please do not go out and purchase items. I am looking for donations of old items. These can be brought to the Lower Campus Media Center. Thank you for your support. 


Nancie Delebo